Fresno Adventist Academy is on a Mission Trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia from March 16th through 28th 2016
(Seniors Returning March 31st)

School Website:

Tom Krazan

Friday, March 25, 2016

From Richelle and Julianna

Thanks for your prayers everyone! Juliana & I made it out of our motel room today, feeling much better. We probably overdid it because I have a bad headache now but it was totally worth it! We got lots of bonding in. The little 11 year old boy pictured on my arm clung to me after VBS today. He said I am his mom! ♡ Breaks my heart to say goodbyes tomorrow!
 - From Richelle

Thank you all so much for your prayers! My mom and I have felt much better today & we were able to join the rest of the group at the orphanage. We have one last day for the mission trip tomorrow. So please keep us in your prayers as we have one more day to reach these people for God.
 - From Julianna