Fresno Adventist Academy is on a Mission Trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia from March 16th through 28th 2016
(Seniors Returning March 31st)

School Website:

Tom Krazan

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Great News

Our team is hitting the ground running for their 4th day of work here at the orphanage. I am so proud of the way our kids are working. Yesterday in the medical clinic one of the patients came through and was fitted with a pair of glasses. His vision was very poor before the glasses. When he put the glasses on, he had a big smile on his face. The first thing he said was, "Now I can see to read my Bible!"

Last night, we transitioned to a hotel. Our team was able to enjoy the night market in Siem Reap yesterday evening. It was fun watching our students barter with the locals to try and get the best deal possible. Some students did much better than others in negotiating.

Tomorrow we are headed to Angkor Wat for our excursion day. After we tour there, we are going to take the kids to another temple where they can ride elephants.

Thank you for your daily prayers! They are much appreciated and much needed!
